Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

OBAT Helpers Bangladesh attaches particular importance to protecting the data you provide when visiting our website. OBAT Helpers Bangladesh sets security very high, so your data will always remain confidential. We are committed to protecting the personal information of our customers or site visitors. We know you trust us, and we stand by that with our Privacy Policy.

Information gathering

Personal information

Personal data is information that you provide to us. When you visit our website, you can complete various forms so that we can contact you and keep you up to date on our services and products. We do not collect any data other than what you provide by completing forms on our website. We may also collect information if you subscribe to our blogs or use other services, applications or features available on our website. We only store data that you provide voluntarily.


A small amount of data that a website can transfer to your computer is called a cookie. We may store cookies on your device while you interact with our website. We basically do this to provide you with a better user experience, understand your needs, and help us more conveniently provide you with what you are looking for. When browsing our website, you may see a small pop-up window in the left or right corner of the page asking whether you allow cookies to store data. You can accept or decline the storage of cookies by selecting one of the required options.

Data collected from your device

When similar information is collected and stored while you browse our website on your mobile phone, such as your mobile device model, your location, or the language you use on your mobile phone. there is. If you would like to keep this information confidential, please change your phone settings. This information is automatically stored in the same way that cookies store information. You can prevent this data from being shared by adjusting your device’s privacy settings.

Other information

In addition to your personal information, the device you use to browse our website may also send us various non-personal information. We may collect information about browser software, IP addresses, and other related technical information. How we use the information we collect

Essentially, OBAT Helpers Bangladesh uses the information collected to improve your user experience. OBAT Helpers Bangladesh may also use the information we collect to serve you with advertising that may be helpful to you.

Information is used for the following purposes:

For better customer service for a better user experience Aim for a more user-friendly website for email marketing. If you no longer wish to receive emails from us, you can unsubscribe from our website. We include our detailed policy at the bottom of every email we send. If you continue to have problems, please contact us. we protect your data. Protecting the data we collect from you is very important to us. We use advanced security measures to keep your information safe and confidential. No one has unauthorized access to our personal data. The security and confidentiality of your data is our top priority.

Data from children

OBAT Helpers Bangladesh does not collect data from children. We consider 13-year-olds to be children. Our website is designed and developed not to attract the attention of anyone under the age of 13.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

OBAT Helpers Bangladesh reserves the right to update and change this Privacy Policy at any time. We encourage you to keep an eye on this page whenever you visit her website in our company.